Balanced & Productive Remote Work – Get into the Groove

Working remotely has its perks and its challenges. A key to successfully working remotely is to get into a groove. It is tempting to approach working remotely as a freelance opportunity, working here and there and when you feel motivated, however, to be balanced and productive it takes self-discipline and focus.

Working in your new environment brings many distractions – kids, pets, laundry, television, chores, and anything else that may pull your attention away from that work task that seems a bit daunting or has fallen to the bottom of your to do list. How do you manage to stay productive and balanced?

Developing a routine and setting a schedule will allow you to ensure work productivity that does not encroach on your personal/family life. Finding an enjoyable rhythm where work and life are harmonious will take some trial and error. Be flexible, patient and creative.

Here are a few tips to help you find your groove:

Start your workday at the same time each day.

While it is tempting to work in your pajamas all day, every day, resist the urge. After a while it will impact your motivation. Shower and get dressed for the day – make it part of your routine.

Schedule breaks, especially a lunch break.

Schedule an end of the day. It is easy to lose track of time and keep working.

Plan a “commute” – meaning shut the office door (literally or figuratively) and do something to transition back into home life.

Try hard not to let work interrupt personal/family time.

Incorporate family members into your schedule. Invite them to help you plan your workday/workweek.

With the kids, schedule breaks during the day so they know that at certain times you are available for activities (i.e., reading, playing games, getting outside, etc.).

Tell your co-workers your schedule (i.e., calendar the scheduled breaks so everyone knows you are unavailable at that time)

If you have any questions or need help finding your groove please contact us.